Friday, June 11, 2010

Success Secrets – How to Live Big & Regret Little Part 1

Success – Living Your Life with No Regrets!

Everyone wants to be successful in life to a greater or lesser extent. Whilst success means different things to different people it’s fair to say there are some common characteristics. This article highlights the 8 key areas in life that people typically regret not having done differently.

"If you could live your life all over, what would you do differently?”

Image Source: The Situationist Blog

This is the very question that was put to 4,000 Retired Executives over the age of 70 by Dr. Gerald Bell, University of North Carolina (Professor of Organizational Behavior and Management). They responded in common to 8 key areasthat if they could live their life all over again, they would do so differently.

Here are the first three:

Regret # 1 – Life Goals

”I would have carved out life goals and owned my life”

Key Message: Life is not a dress rehearsal. It’s the real thing. Take charge of your life with goal setting. Fulfill your life purpose.

Regret # 2 – Health

“I would have taken better care of my health. I threw away health as though it were trash”.

Key Message: Health is wealth. People only realize how much it’s worth when they don’t have it. So, whether it’s having a better diet, reducing stress levels, going to the gym, taking a brisk walk etc., Look after your health and it will look after you.

Regret # 3 – Money Management

“I would have managed my money a lot more effectively”.

Key Message: Manage your own money. Don’t over-rely on your financial advisor, bank manager etc. It’s your money not theirs. Attain financial literacy and money management skills for yourself.

The purpose of asking a great question like this NOW is to get to the bottom of what really is important to you and your life. It may not in actual fact be what you previously thought was important

Read about the next key areas of regret and success in my next posts.

Find out more interesting and life changing Success Secrets

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