Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Success Secrets - How to Live Big & Regret Little Part 2

If you could live your life all over, what would you do differently?

This question was put to 4,000 Retired Executives over the age of 70 by Dr. Gerald Bell, University of North Carolina (Professor of Organizational Behavior and Management). They responded in common to 8 key areas that if they could live their life all over again, they would do so differently. In my previous post I reviewed the first three - Life Goals, Health, Money Management.

Here are the next three common areas of regrets and my thoughts of how to avoid it.


Regret # 4 – Family

”I would have worked on quality family goals a lot more”.

Key Message: If you have family, consider the value of those relationships and the quality of your family goals. Be sure everything you do with your family is in sync with the 8 areas set out in this article.

Regret # 5 – Personal Development

“I would have spent more time on personal development”.

Key Message: Without personal development and growth it’s unlikely that you’ll be achieving your true potential. Seek out mentors, more training, education, seminars etc. and put knowledge into action to ensure your personal growth.

Regret # 6 – Fun

“I would have had a lot more fun in my life”.

Key Message: Even if you are very focused on achieving goals why not have a bit of fun at the same time. Add more fun to your day whether it’s at the workplace or at home.

Questions like those are a powerful and invaluable study on what’s really important in life. If you attend to these key areas in life you could ultimately look back on your life with no real regret and consider your life a true success story. How great is that!

Find out more on Success Secrets at

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