Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wealth Building - Is “Rich” a Feeling?

Feeling rich is completely subjective.

In a way being rich is a feeling and you probably never think you’re truly rich or as rich as you could be.
Wealth Buidling - Is Rich a Feeling

Someone making $30,000 per annum will probably say that if they made an income of $100,000 they would see themselves as ‘rich’. How someone defines rich depends on their expectations and how they feel about it.

So the less money you have, the less money you think you'll need to become rich. And the wealthier you are I suspect the more money it takes to make you ‘feel’ rich. This is why very often the "rich" aren't feeling so rich.

As Mark Victor Hansen famously says: "The feeling of rich makes you rich. The feeling of poor makes you poor." It's is not the vice verse!

Discover some fast wealth building strategies and tips atwww.MillioniareMindsetSecrets.com

To the readers: Do you feel rich? If not, what do you need in order to feel rich? (share in the comments below)

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