Friday, June 11, 2010

Money And The Law of Attraction – Change Your Vibration!

When it comes to Wealth and Money, The Law of Attraction is a powerful life force that works on the simple principle of ‘whatever you think about, you bring about’.

What Do We Mean by Vibration?

Your vibration consists of the signals you are putting out to the universe in general. Your true signal is not a simple thought, it’s a frequency formed on your beliefs. Read More So, to use the Law of Attraction to attract more money into your life you need toraise your vibration and change it so that it reflects what you desire most.

Temporary vs. Permanent Vibration Change

Creating a temporary shift in your vibration is easy, you can do this in seconds…simply raising your head and looking towards the sky will bring out a more uplifted state; playing your favorite song, dancing, taking a cold shower, holding a smile for 30 seconds and so on are all examples of how you can change you state temporarily. However, this won’t create any sort of lasting change and you return to your old vibration soon afterwards. Therefore, you need to make some permanent, lasting change in order to manifest your desires. Essentially to change your vibration on a more permanent basis requires a deeper level of change in the unconscious mind. Ok, don’t worry this isn’t going to require some kind of brain probe! It’s actually simpler than you may think to tap into the unconscious part of your mind. Read more about Money and The Law of Attraction at

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