Friday, June 18, 2010

Business Startup Mistake # 1 - Not Creating the Business System

Starting a business throws up many opportunities and challenges on a daily basis.

You are both head chef and chief bottle washer; creating the vision, devising your sales and marketing strategy, raising sufficient finance to fund the businesses growth etc. Now, add devising a whole business system into the mix and you’re gonna be knee-deep in a whole lotta challenges.

One way of looking at is asking yourself would you be better off investing time and money into building a pipeline(i.e. a system) rather than hauling buckets (i.e. no system). A lot of entrepreneurs have not worked in large systemised business or franchise operation before so they find it very testing and almost impossible to devise and implement a business system. Most small businesses are therefore hauling buckets.

The whole purpose of creating a business system is to allow you tocreate a business that will quickly run itself without your own day-to-day involvement. For most small business owners this is merely a pipe dream. The reason this happens is that not enough time is invested up front devising the systems to run the business. So avoid the mistake that 99% of self-employed business owners.

Read The E-Myth by Michael Gerber to help your find out more about what’s involved in creating your own business system. Finally, rather than trying to build a business system you may want to consider buying a franchise instead.

Educating, training and mentorship is widely available to help you avoid making these typical startup mistakes. But, what could you right now do to avoid these 2 typical small business startup mistakes? Well, help is only a mouse click away. Why not sign up NOW for more business startup success secrets for FREE and get access to a wealth of resources to help you build and grow your business.

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