Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Think and Grow Rich – 6 Surprisingly Simple Steps to Turn Desire into Gold – Steps 3 & 4

The starting point of all achievement is desire. Not a hope, not a wish but a pulsating desire.

Oscar Wilde famously said “we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars”. Similarly, you may be down and out financially right now but your thoughts could be those of a king.

In his book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill presents the idea that “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve”.

I have summarized the 6 simple steps to turn your thinking so that it achieves the wealth and prosperity you desire. In my previous post I spoke about being specific in what you want and deciding on what you will give in return. (Think and Grow Rich Steps 1 & 2 )

Here are the next two steps:

Step 3 – Decide on a Date

Pick a specific date in your calendar by which you intend to posses the wealth and money your desire. Setting a date focuses the mind and is a great motivator. Time bound goals are measureable and therefore more achievable.

Step 4 – Create a Plan

Develop a definite plan to achieve your desire and begin it at once, putting it into action immediately, no matter whether you think you are ready or not. It’s important not to delay the taking of action. Act immediately even if the plan isn’t perfected.

It is irrelevant whether you are stone broke or have just a small amount of money in your bank account. If you truly desire money and wealth you will have no difficulty in convincing yourself you will acquire it. In fact, no convincing is required. Your desire combined with these 6 steps will ensure your success.

Learn more about Think and Grow Rich at - free access to a wealth of resources to for a more meaningful and successful life.

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