Friday, June 11, 2010

The Law of Attraction – The Permanent Change!

Changing Your Vibration…Permanently!

To use the Law of Attraction to bring what you desire most in your life into existence, you need to change the way you think at a deep, permanent level. The Law of Attraction works on the simple principle of ‘whatever you think about, you bring about’, therefore if you want to attract the wealth and money you need and dream about, you need to dramatically change your thinking from fear, worry and thoughts of poverty, to expectation of good, prosperity and success. This change needs to be strong and permanent, deeply rooted in your mindset so that your “vibration” to the universe constantly attracts the prosperity and success you desire.

You can achieve lasting change at the unconscious level of the mind through:

1. Relaxation and Visualization

Visualization simply means seeing what you want in your life but seeing it in your mind in the present tense as if it has already happened. Read More

2. Change in Your Environment

We are a product of our environment – physically, mentally, socially, and otherwise. If you want to shift your vibrational pulse, it’s a bad idea to consistently expose yourself to incompatible signals.

Making these changes will feel uncomfortable at first, but eventually you’ll start to integrate with your new environment and your own vibrational pattern will soon shift to come into resonance with these new people and places.

Read More on Money and The Law of Attraction at www.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.comand keep an eye on more tips on the above ways for permanent change in your “vibration” in my next posts.

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