Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Wealth Building - Better to Be Wealthy Than Rich

If you are a millionaire, are you by default wealthy? wealth building

If you strive to build wealth rather than just get rich you’re basically giving yourself the keys to the vault!

There’s a massive difference between being wealthy and being rich. Not all rich people can be wealthy but all wealthy people can be rich. Confused!?...let me explain.

If you are a millionaire, are you by default wealthy?... Ahmm, not necessarily so.

A millionaire by definition is someone whose net worth (asset value minus debt) exceeds a millionaire dollars/euros etc. However, if a person did have 1 million in assets but theses assets were not generating income then that person by my definition is rich but not wealthy.

These questions explain will help you get a better understanding of wealth and what is the difference between rich and wealthy - have a guess and let me know what do you thinks on each of them in the comments area below.

I will talk more on each of them in my next posts.

  • Why Making Money Won’t Make You Rich?
  • How Rich is Rich?
  • Is “Rich” a Feeling?
  • How to Best Measure Wealth?

Strive to build wealth rather than focus on being rich. You can build wealth by starting or running a profitable business, investing in real estate, etc. The key thing is to focus on generating future income from these assets. Now you are creating wealth. Discover some fast wealth building strategies and tips atwww.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com

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