Friday, June 11, 2010

Money and the Law of Attraction Secret

“Whatever You Think About, You Bring About”

Much has been talked and written about the Law of Attraction. Many people are troubled by money problems at some time in their life. When it comes to Wealth and Money, The Law of Attraction is a powerful life force that works on the simple principle of ‘whatever you think about, you bring about’

Right now, as you are reading this, The Law of Attraction is at work in your life. It isalways at work just like gravity or any other Law of Nature.

Simply put, the Law of Attraction can be defined as – “whatever you think about most, manifests in your life”.

Are You Attracting What You Want?

The only question is are you attracting what you want? Or are you “attracting by default”, bringing what you don’t want into your life over and over again? The Law of Attraction is at work in relationships, careers, health, wealth,etc. You are either a) attracting wealth, or b) attracting poverty. There is no option c. So, how can you use the Law of Attraction to attract more money into your life? Well, one way is by raising your vibration. There are four things you need to consider if you are to bring what you desire most in your life:

1. Find out what is Your “Vibration”? – What do we mean by Vibration

2. Temporary vs. Permanent Vibration Change

3. Changing Your Vibration Permanently: Relaxation & Visualization

4. Changing Your Vibration Permanently: Changing Your Environment

Read more on Money and the Law of Attraction

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