Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wealth Building - How Rich is Rich?

It’s actually quite hard to define in a dollar amount what rich is.

We often say so-and-so is rich because he or she has a high-income corporate job, buys brand new luxurious cars, dresses in fancy clothes and so on.


Although these are outward demonstrations of ‘rich’, crucially, that does not mean these people are wealthy (they might very well be of course but it’s not a given).

It’s actually quite hard to define in a dollar amount what rich is. It can be subjective and mean different things to different people. In addition, it can depend on where you live and the cost of living in that place. In 2003 Gallup poll of Americans the public's median definition of "rich" was an income of $120,000 - or assets of $1 million. But if you ask someone who already has $1 in assets they are likely to say being rich would be to have $5 or $10 million in assets. Some people are never happy!?

If you are rich, don’t be fooled into thinking you’re wealthy. If you’re not already rich, don’t worry about it, focus on being wealthy and you will be rich anyway. Whilst it may be difficult to know if you are truly “rich”, you’ll definitely know if you’re truly wealthy and for how long!

Discover some fast wealth building strategies and tips at www.MillioniareMindsetSecrets.com

To the Readers: How rich is rich for you? - share your personal view in the comments bellow : )

Wealth Building - Is “Rich” a Feeling?

Feeling rich is completely subjective.

In a way being rich is a feeling and you probably never think you’re truly rich or as rich as you could be.
Wealth Buidling - Is Rich a Feeling

Someone making $30,000 per annum will probably say that if they made an income of $100,000 they would see themselves as ‘rich’. How someone defines rich depends on their expectations and how they feel about it.

So the less money you have, the less money you think you'll need to become rich. And the wealthier you are I suspect the more money it takes to make you ‘feel’ rich. This is why very often the "rich" aren't feeling so rich.

As Mark Victor Hansen famously says: "The feeling of rich makes you rich. The feeling of poor makes you poor." It's is not the vice verse!

Discover some fast wealth building strategies and tips atwww.MillioniareMindsetSecrets.com

To the readers: Do you feel rich? If not, what do you need in order to feel rich? (share in the comments below)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Wealth Building - Better to Be Wealthy Than Rich

If you are a millionaire, are you by default wealthy? wealth building

If you strive to build wealth rather than just get rich you’re basically giving yourself the keys to the vault!

There’s a massive difference between being wealthy and being rich. Not all rich people can be wealthy but all wealthy people can be rich. Confused!?...let me explain.

If you are a millionaire, are you by default wealthy?... Ahmm, not necessarily so.

A millionaire by definition is someone whose net worth (asset value minus debt) exceeds a millionaire dollars/euros etc. However, if a person did have 1 million in assets but theses assets were not generating income then that person by my definition is rich but not wealthy.

These questions explain will help you get a better understanding of wealth and what is the difference between rich and wealthy - have a guess and let me know what do you thinks on each of them in the comments area below.

I will talk more on each of them in my next posts.

  • Why Making Money Won’t Make You Rich?
  • How Rich is Rich?
  • Is “Rich” a Feeling?
  • How to Best Measure Wealth?

Strive to build wealth rather than focus on being rich. You can build wealth by starting or running a profitable business, investing in real estate, etc. The key thing is to focus on generating future income from these assets. Now you are creating wealth. Discover some fast wealth building strategies and tips atwww.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com

Friday, June 18, 2010

Business Startup Mistake # 2 – Not Choosing the Right People

Business Stratup - Failure or Success

That depends on whether or not you will avoid the two biggest mistakes that most business startups are bound to face:not creating a business system and not choosing the right people to implement the system.

business startup success secretsA system without the right people to manage it is like a ship manned by drunken sailors, unmanageable and destined to hit the rocks. Choosing the right kind of people to manage a system is essential and will maximise your chances of success. Interviewing and selecting people is going to be a key part of your job as a business owner.

If both the system and the people building the system are flaky then the chances of failure are great.

Once you have selected the right kind of people,the work doesn’t stop there. You will be required to manage and lead your people often at the same time - motivating, monitoring, measuring and rewarding.

Motivation is an art, measurement is a science, monitoring is a skill, rewarding is fun! People are generally motivated by personal reward which in general takes the form of financial remuneration, job security etc. However, the best form of motivation is giving someone a simple compliment. And it doesn’t cost you a dime. Being genuine and saying something as simple as “well done, I like how you did that job” will do more for motivating your people and strengthening your business than any amount of cash reward.

In my view, your people are your biggest asset, not your customers. Properly motivated and managed people will crawl over broken glass for a good quality organisation with good leadership. Indeed, for the business owner, unlocking people’s potential is an extremely gratifying experience.

Finding the sweet spot between personal reward and organisation benefit is the key to success.

Find out more business startup success secrets at www.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com for FREE and get access to a wealth of resources to help you build and grow your business.

Business Startup Mistake # 1 - Not Creating the Business System

Starting a business throws up many opportunities and challenges on a daily basis.

You are both head chef and chief bottle washer; creating the vision, devising your sales and marketing strategy, raising sufficient finance to fund the businesses growth etc. Now, add devising a whole business system into the mix and you’re gonna be knee-deep in a whole lotta challenges.

One way of looking at is asking yourself would you be better off investing time and money into building a pipeline(i.e. a system) rather than hauling buckets (i.e. no system). A lot of entrepreneurs have not worked in large systemised business or franchise operation before so they find it very testing and almost impossible to devise and implement a business system. Most small businesses are therefore hauling buckets.

The whole purpose of creating a business system is to allow you tocreate a business that will quickly run itself without your own day-to-day involvement. For most small business owners this is merely a pipe dream. The reason this happens is that not enough time is invested up front devising the systems to run the business. So avoid the mistake that 99% of self-employed business owners.

Read The E-Myth by Michael Gerber to help your find out more about what’s involved in creating your own business system. Finally, rather than trying to build a business system you may want to consider buying a franchise instead.

Educating, training and mentorship is widely available to help you avoid making these typical startup mistakes. But, what could you right now do to avoid these 2 typical small business startup mistakes? Well, help is only a mouse click away. Why not sign up NOW for more business startup success secrets atwww.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com for FREE and get access to a wealth of resources to help you build and grow your business.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Business Startup Success Secrets – 2 Big Mistakes You’ll Probably Make

The hardest part about building a business from scratch is that you have 2 very big variables to contend with. One is the system and the other is the people building and running the system.

Let’s talk about 2 big business startup mistakes that are often made and what you as an entrepreneur can do to avoid them.

Business Startup Mistake # 1 - Not Creating the Business System

The whole purpose of creating a business system is to allow you to create a business that will quickly run itself without your own day-to-day involvement. For most small business owners this is merely a pipe dream. The reason this happens is...(Read more on this in my next post)

Business Startup Mistake # 2 – Not Choosing the Right People

A system without the right people to manage it is like a ship manned by drunken sailors, unmanageable and destined to hit the rocks. Choosing the right kind of people to manage a system is essential and will maximise your chances of success. Interviewing and selecting people is going to be a key part of your job as a business owner. If both the system and the people building the system are flaky then the chances of failure are great. (Read more on this in my next post)

Educating, training and mentorship is widely available to help you avoid making these typical startup mistakes.

But, what could you right now do to avoid these 2 typical small business startup mistakes? Well, help is only a mouse click away. Why not sign up NOW for more business startup success secrets at www.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com for FREE and get access to a wealth of resources to help you build and grow your business.

Think and Grow Rich – 6 Surprisingly Simple Steps to Turn Desire into Gold - Steps 5 &6

The accumulation of wealth has nothing to do with chance, good fortune and luck.

Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches. There are 6 steps to turn your desires into gold outlined in Napoleon Hill's book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ which have worked for countless others.

In my previous posts I have outlined steps 1 to 4 as follows:
  • Step 1 - Pick a Number
  • Step 2 - Give in Return
  • Step 3 – Decide on a Date
  • Step 4 – Create a Plan
Here are the last two steps to your wealth success:

Step 5 – Make a Statement
Draft a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, the date by which you will achieve it, what you intend to give in return and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate this wealth. This statement becomes your affirmation of intent.

Step 6 – Read Aloud Twice Daily
Read you written statement aloud, twice daily, once before going to bed and once in the morning. As you read – see and feel and believe yourself to already be in possession of this money and wealth. Doing this exercise evokes the powers of autosuggestion which allows you to communicate the object of your desire to you unconscious mind. The unconscious mind in turn influence the conscious mind, its daily thoughts and actions.

It is important that you follow the sequence of steps described in this article and especially make sure you carry out point # 6 as this will ensure your money attainment and wealth creation programme seeps into your unconscious mind and you will become an unstoppable force just like a heat-seeking missile.

Think and Grow Rich – 6 Surprisingly Simple Steps to Turn Desire into Gold – Steps 3 & 4

The starting point of all achievement is desire. Not a hope, not a wish but a pulsating desire.

Oscar Wilde famously said “we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars”. Similarly, you may be down and out financially right now but your thoughts could be those of a king.

In his book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill presents the idea that “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve”.

I have summarized the 6 simple steps to turn your thinking so that it achieves the wealth and prosperity you desire. In my previous post I spoke about being specific in what you want and deciding on what you will give in return. (Think and Grow Rich Steps 1 & 2 )

Here are the next two steps:

Step 3 – Decide on a Date

Pick a specific date in your calendar by which you intend to posses the wealth and money your desire. Setting a date focuses the mind and is a great motivator. Time bound goals are measureable and therefore more achievable.

Step 4 – Create a Plan

Develop a definite plan to achieve your desire and begin it at once, putting it into action immediately, no matter whether you think you are ready or not. It’s important not to delay the taking of action. Act immediately even if the plan isn’t perfected.

It is irrelevant whether you are stone broke or have just a small amount of money in your bank account. If you truly desire money and wealth you will have no difficulty in convincing yourself you will acquire it. In fact, no convincing is required. Your desire combined with these 6 steps will ensure your success.

Learn more about Think and Grow Rich at www.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com - free access to a wealth of resources to for a more meaningful and successful life.

Think and Grow Rich – 6 Surprisingly Simple Steps to Turn Desire into Gold – Steps 1 & 2

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is one book you absolutely must read if you are serious about the business of getting rich.

The following statement best summarises the premise of the book and the secret to attaining anything you desire: “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve”. I have outlined the 6 simple ways to turn you desires into gold, here are steps 1 and 2.

Step 1 - Pick a Number
Fix your mind on the exact amount of money you desire. Don’t be fuzzy about it. Rather than say you want to have lots of money someday, be more definite. Instead try saying something like ‘I want savings of 100,000 dollars in my bank account’.

Step 2 - Give in Return
Decide what you are going to give in return for achieving your desire. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Giving in return for riches gained is like doing a deal with the universe. It works kinda like the principle of fair exchange in business. You get something; you give something of at least equivalent value in return.

All who have accumulated great wealth or attained great success first did a certain amount of dreaming, desiring and planning before they got what they wanted.

Follow these steps and turn your desires into gold.

Next steps:
  • Decide on a Date
  • Create a Plan
  • Make a Statement
  • Stay Focused
  • Read more on those in my next posts.

You can find out more about Think and Grow Rich at www.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com for FREE and get access to a wealth of resources to help you lead a more meaningful and successful life.

Success Secrets - How to Live Big & Regret Little Part 3

In a research of his, Dr. Gerald Bell, University of North Carolina (Professor of Organizational Behavior and Management) has asked 4,000 Retired Executives over the age of 70 the following question:

"If you could live your life all over, what would you do differently?"

They responded in common to 8 key areas that if they could live their life all over again, they would do so differently.
In my previous posts I listed the first 6 common areas of regret:

Here are the remaining two common areas of regret and my thoughts on how to avoid it:

Regret # 7 – Career

“I would have planned my career”.

Key Message: Take control of your career and plan it out according to your life goals and vision. Get some career planning/life coaching if needed to help you clarify.

Regret # 8 – God and/or Community

“I would have lived in oneness with my God and or given more back to my community”.

Key Message: Connecting with your God, the higher self and servicing your community are facets of life that shouldn’t be ignored and bring about fulfillment.

So, what would you do differently NOW? Why not review this article again and decide now on how you can live your life differently. Have no regrets. Sign up NOW for more success secrets at www.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com for FREE and get access to a wealth of resources to help you lead a more meaningful and successful life.

Success Secrets - How to Live Big & Regret Little Part 2

If you could live your life all over, what would you do differently?

This question was put to 4,000 Retired Executives over the age of 70 by Dr. Gerald Bell, University of North Carolina (Professor of Organizational Behavior and Management). They responded in common to 8 key areas that if they could live their life all over again, they would do so differently. In my previous post I reviewed the first three - Life Goals, Health, Money Management.

Here are the next three common areas of regrets and my thoughts of how to avoid it.

Source: pattieparsnips.com

Regret # 4 – Family

”I would have worked on quality family goals a lot more”.

Key Message: If you have family, consider the value of those relationships and the quality of your family goals. Be sure everything you do with your family is in sync with the 8 areas set out in this article.

Regret # 5 – Personal Development

“I would have spent more time on personal development”.

Key Message: Without personal development and growth it’s unlikely that you’ll be achieving your true potential. Seek out mentors, more training, education, seminars etc. and put knowledge into action to ensure your personal growth.

Regret # 6 – Fun

“I would have had a lot more fun in my life”.

Key Message: Even if you are very focused on achieving goals why not have a bit of fun at the same time. Add more fun to your day whether it’s at the workplace or at home.

Questions like those are a powerful and invaluable study on what’s really important in life. If you attend to these key areas in life you could ultimately look back on your life with no real regret and consider your life a true success story. How great is that!

Find out more on Success Secrets at www.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com

Success Secrets – How to Live Big & Regret Little Part 1

Success – Living Your Life with No Regrets!

Everyone wants to be successful in life to a greater or lesser extent. Whilst success means different things to different people it’s fair to say there are some common characteristics. This article highlights the 8 key areas in life that people typically regret not having done differently.

“If you could live your life all over, what would you do differently?”

This is the very question that was put to 4,000 Retired Executives over the age of 70 by Dr. Gerald Bell, University of North Carolina (Professor of Organizational Behavior and Management). They responded in common to 8 key areasthat if they could live their life all over again, they would do so differently.

Here are the first three:

Regret # 1 – Life Goals

”I would have carved out life goals and owned my life”

Key Message: Life is not a dress rehearsal. It’s the real thing. Take charge of your life with goal setting. Fulfill your life purpose.

Regret # 2 – Health

“I would have taken better care of my health. I threw away health as though it were trash”.

Key Message: Health is wealth. People only realize how much it’s worth when they don’t have it. So, whether it’s having a better diet, reducing stress levels, going to the gym, taking a brisk walk etc., Look after your health and it will look after you.

Regret # 3 – Money Management

“I would have managed my money a lot more effectively”.

Key Message: Manage your own money. Don’t over-rely on your financial advisor, bank manager etc. It’s your money not theirs. Attain financial literacy and money management skills for yourself.

The purpose of asking a great question like this NOW is to get to the bottom of what really is important to you and your life. It may not in actual fact be what you previously thought was important

Read about the next key areas of regret and success in my next posts.

Find out more interesting and life changing Success Secrets atwww.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Law of Attraction – How Changing Your Environment Helps

The main principle of The Law of Attraction is ‘whatever you think about, you bring about’.
Based on this principal you can attract the wealth and money you desire in your life (or anything else to that matter) if your change permanently your mindset and tune your “vibration” e.g. the constant signals which your thoughts send out to the universe. In my previous post I spoke how this can be achieved by relaxation and visualization.
The second proved method for achieveing permanent change in your vibration e.g. mindset & thoughts is through changing your environment.
Changing Your Environment

We are a product of our environment – physically, mentally, socially, and otherwise. If you want to shift your vibrational pulse, it’s a bad idea to consistently expose yourself to incompatible signals. If you want to experience money and wealth than you must create environment within which this can most easily manifest. Very simply, it could mean that you switch off the radio and the TV so you no longer listen to negative news about global financial meltdowns. It may mean reducing the amount of time you spend with negative family or friends, and spending more time with productive, positive people. Or it may even mean moving neighborhood.

Making these changes will feel uncomfortable at first, but eventually you’ll start to integrate with your new environment and your own vibrational pattern will soon shift to come into resonance with these new people and places.

To sum up, you can either change your mental focus and thereby the signal you’re emitting or you can change the signal soup you’re immersed in.

Ideally, if you can do both you will strengthen and quicken the speed at which you manifest your desires.

Find out more about Money and The Law of Attraction atwww.MillioniareMindsetSecrets.com

The Law of Attraction – How to Change Your Vibration to Attract Wealth

How to Change Your Mind’s Vibration through Relaxation & Visualization

The Law of Attraction works on the simple principle of ‘whatever you think about, you bring about’. In order to attract the wealth and money you desire, or anything else to that matter, you need to change your thinking, your mindset or in other words your “vibration” – the signals you are sending to the universe every single moment. It is not enough to just try and change your thoughts, you will need to achieve permanent, strong and consistent change in your mindset which will then produce the right type of thoughts of prosperity, wealth and success in everything you do in more consistent way.

You can achieve this permanent change in two simple steps. The first thing you can do is start using visualization and relaxation, and the second is to change your environment.

Visualization simply means seeing what you want in your life but seeing it in your mind in the present tense as if it has already happened. To create what you want in your life, in this case money and wealth, you create strong visuals of your wealth and imprint these on the deeper part of your mind. It’s best to do visualization when you are very relaxed as this enables you to imprint these images better on the deeper part of your mind. So, if you desire more money and wealth in your life you might be visualizing yourself in the house of your dreams, or standing on a huge pile of money or simply looking at a bank statement with a specific quantity of money in it.

However, the real key to successful visualization is connecting with the feelings of having this goal. This is where most people fall down. Feeling like you would feel if you had already achieved that goal is the vital element in successful visualization. Experiencing these feelings, these emotions, as you achieve this goal in your mind becomes the unstoppable catalyst of change in your life.

If you do this visualization exercise for at least 20-30 minutes, every day if you can you will bring about a changed state of mind. This visualization exercise is best done when you are in a relaxed state, often the start or end of each day is a good time to do this.

You must shift the vibration signal you’re emitting so that it’s vibrationally compatible with your goals and desires. Visualization enables you to identify the new vibration or state you want to operate in.

In my next post I will talk about how your environment affects your mindset and changes your vibration.

Read More on Money and The Law of Attraction at www.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.comand keep an eye on more tips on the above ways for permanent change in your “vibration” in my next posts.

The Law of Attraction – The Permanent Change!

Changing Your Vibration…Permanently!

To use the Law of Attraction to bring what you desire most in your life into existence, you need to change the way you think at a deep, permanent level. The Law of Attraction works on the simple principle of ‘whatever you think about, you bring about’, therefore if you want to attract the wealth and money you need and dream about, you need to dramatically change your thinking from fear, worry and thoughts of poverty, to expectation of good, prosperity and success. This change needs to be strong and permanent, deeply rooted in your mindset so that your “vibration” to the universe constantly attracts the prosperity and success you desire.

You can achieve lasting change at the unconscious level of the mind through:

1. Relaxation and Visualization

Visualization simply means seeing what you want in your life but seeing it in your mind in the present tense as if it has already happened. Read More

2. Change in Your Environment

We are a product of our environment – physically, mentally, socially, and otherwise. If you want to shift your vibrational pulse, it’s a bad idea to consistently expose yourself to incompatible signals.

Making these changes will feel uncomfortable at first, but eventually you’ll start to integrate with your new environment and your own vibrational pattern will soon shift to come into resonance with these new people and places.

Read More on Money and The Law of Attraction at www.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.comand keep an eye on more tips on the above ways for permanent change in your “vibration” in my next posts.

The Law of Attraction – How to Change Your Vibration to Attract Wealth

How to Change Your Mind’s Vibration through Relaxation & Visualization

The Law of Attraction works on the simple principle of ‘whatever you think about, you bring about’. In order to attract the wealth and money you desire, or anything else to that matter, you need to change your thinking, your mindset or in other words your “vibration” – the signals you are sending to the universe every single moment. It is not enough to just try and change your thoughts, you will need to achieve permanent, strong and consistent change in your mindset which will then produce the right type of thoughts of prosperity, wealth and success in everything you do in more consistent way.

You can achieve this permanent change in two simple steps. The first thing you can do is start using visualization and relaxation, and the second is to change your environment.

Visualization simply means seeing what you want in your life but seeing it in your mind in the present tense as if it has already happened. To create what you want in your life, in this case money and wealth, you create strong visuals of your wealth and imprint these on the deeper part of your mind. It’s best to do visualization when you are very relaxed as this enables you to imprint these images better on the deeper part of your mind. So, if you desire more money and wealth in your life you might be visualizing yourself in the house of your dreams, or standing on a huge pile of money or simply looking at a bank statement with a specific quantity of money in it.

However, the real key to successful visualization is connecting with the feelings of having this goal. This is where most people fall down. Feeling like you would feel if you had already achieved that goal is the vital element in successful visualization. Experiencing these feelings, these emotions, as you achieve this goal in your mind becomes the unstoppable catalyst of change in your life.

If you do this visualization exercise for at least 20-30 minutes, every day if you can you will bring about a changed state of mind. This visualization exercise is best done when you are in a relaxed state, often the start or end of each day is a good time to do this.

You must shift the vibration signal you’re emitting so that it’s vibrationally compatible with your goals and desires. Visualization enables you to identify the new vibration or state you want to operate in.

In my next post I will talk about how your environment affects your mindset and changes your vibration.

Read More on Money and The Law of Attraction at www.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.comand keep an eye on more tips on the above ways for permanent change in your “vibration” in my next posts.

The Law of Attraction – The Permanent Change!

Changing Your Vibration…Permanently!

To use the Law of Attraction to bring what you desire most in your life into existence, you need to change the way you think at a deep, permanent level. The Law of Attraction works on the simple principle of ‘whatever you think about, you bring about’, therefore if you want to attract the wealth and money you need and dream about, you need to dramatically change your thinking from fear, worry and thoughts of poverty, to expectation of good, prosperity and success. This change needs to be strong and permanent, deeply rooted in your mindset so that your “vibration” to the universe constantly attracts the prosperity and success you desire.

You can achieve lasting change at the unconscious level of the mind through:

1. Relaxation and Visualization

Visualization simply means seeing what you want in your life but seeing it in your mind in the present tense as if it has already happened. Read More

2. Change in Your Environment

We are a product of our environment – physically, mentally, socially, and otherwise. If you want to shift your vibrational pulse, it’s a bad idea to consistently expose yourself to incompatible signals.

Making these changes will feel uncomfortable at first, but eventually you’ll start to integrate with your new environment and your own vibrational pattern will soon shift to come into resonance with these new people and places.

Read More on Money and The Law of Attraction at www.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.comand keep an eye on more tips on the above ways for permanent change in your “vibration” in my next posts.

Money And The Law of Attraction – Change Your Vibration!

When it comes to Wealth and Money, The Law of Attraction is a powerful life force that works on the simple principle of ‘whatever you think about, you bring about’.

What Do We Mean by Vibration?

Your vibration consists of the signals you are putting out to the universe in general. Your true signal is not a simple thought, it’s a frequency formed on your beliefs. Read More So, to use the Law of Attraction to attract more money into your life you need toraise your vibration and change it so that it reflects what you desire most.

Temporary vs. Permanent Vibration Change

Creating a temporary shift in your vibration is easy, you can do this in seconds…simply raising your head and looking towards the sky will bring out a more uplifted state; playing your favorite song, dancing, taking a cold shower, holding a smile for 30 seconds and so on are all examples of how you can change you state temporarily. However, this won’t create any sort of lasting change and you return to your old vibration soon afterwards. Therefore, you need to make some permanent, lasting change in order to manifest your desires. Essentially to change your vibration on a more permanent basis requires a deeper level of change in the unconscious mind. Ok, don’t worry this isn’t going to require some kind of brain probe! It’s actually simpler than you may think to tap into the unconscious part of your mind. Read more about Money and The Law of Attraction at www.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com

Money & The Law of Attraction – What is Your Vibration?

If you are troubled by financial difficulties, you need to know about the powerful life force behind The Law of Attraction.

It works on the simple principle of ‘whatever you think about, you bring about’. It is all about what your “vibration” is and what it attracts in your life.

The Law of Attraction: What Do We Mean by Vibration?

What differentiates one form of energy from another is the speed at which it vibrates. You naturally attract what is in harmony with your state of being so if you want to experience something different in your life, you must somehow change the signals you’re putting out. The true, actual signal I’m emitting isn’t a thought. It’s a frequency formed on my beliefs. You can’t hide your state of mind. It’s in everything you say and do.

The good news is, you can change your vibration by changing what you continually think about which will eventual change your beliefs and this will in turn change your actions.

Read more about Money and The Law of Attraction atwww.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com

Money and the Law of Attraction Secret

“Whatever You Think About, You Bring About”

Much has been talked and written about the Law of Attraction. Many people are troubled by money problems at some time in their life. When it comes to Wealth and Money, The Law of Attraction is a powerful life force that works on the simple principle of ‘whatever you think about, you bring about’

Right now, as you are reading this, The Law of Attraction is at work in your life. It isalways at work just like gravity or any other Law of Nature.

Simply put, the Law of Attraction can be defined as – “whatever you think about most, manifests in your life”.

Are You Attracting What You Want?

The only question is are you attracting what you want? Or are you “attracting by default”, bringing what you don’t want into your life over and over again? The Law of Attraction is at work in relationships, careers, health, wealth,etc. You are either a) attracting wealth, or b) attracting poverty. There is no option c. So, how can you use the Law of Attraction to attract more money into your life? Well, one way is by raising your vibration. There are four things you need to consider if you are to bring what you desire most in your life:

1. Find out what is Your “Vibration”? – What do we mean by Vibration

2. Temporary vs. Permanent Vibration Change

3. Changing Your Vibration Permanently: Relaxation & Visualization

4. Changing Your Vibration Permanently: Changing Your Environment

Read more on Money and the Law of Attraction atwww.millionairemindsetsecrets.com

Success Secrets – How to Live Big & Regret Little Part 3

In a research of his, Dr. Gerald Bell, University of North Carolina (Professor of Organizational Behavior and Management) has asked 4,000 Retired Executives over the age of 70 the following question:

“If you could live your life all over, what would you do differently?”

They responded in common to 8 key areas that if they could live their life all over again, they would do so differently.
In my previous posts I listed the first 6 common areas of regret:

Here are the remaining two common areas of regret and my thoughts on how to avoid it:

Regret # 7 – Career

“I would have planned my career”.

Key Message: Take control of your career and plan it out according to your life goals and vision. Get some career planning/life coaching if needed to help you clarify.

Regret # 8 – God and/or Community

“I would have lived in oneness with my God and or given more back to my community”.

Key Message: Connecting with your God, the higher self and servicing your community are facets of life that shouldn’t be ignored and bring about fulfillment.

So, what would you do differently NOW? Why not review this article again and decide now on how you can live your life differently. Have no regrets. Sign up NOW for moresuccess secrets at www.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com for FREE and get access to a wealth of resources to help you lead a more meaningful and successful life.

Success Secrets – How to Live Big & Regret Little Part 2

If you could live your life all over, what would you do differently?

This question was put to 4,000 Retired Executives over the age of 70 by Dr. Gerald Bell, University of North Carolina (Professor of Organizational Behavior and Management). They responded in common to 8 key areas that if they could live their life all over again, they would do so differently. In myprevious post I reviewed the first three - Life Goals, Health, Money Management.

Here are the next three common areas of regrets and my thoughts of how to avoid it.

Source: pattieparsnips.com

Regret # 4 – Family

”I would have worked on quality family goals a lot more”.

Key Message: If you have family, consider the value of those relationships and the quality of your family goals. Be sure everything you do with your family is in sync with the 8 areas set out in this article.

Regret # 5 – Personal Development

“I would have spent more time on personal development”.

Key Message: Without personal development and growth it’s unlikely that you’ll be achieving your true potential. Seek out mentors, more training, education, seminars etc. and put knowledge into action to ensure your personal growth.

Regret # 6 – Fun

“I would have had a lot more fun in my life”.

Key Message: Even if you are very focused on achieving goals why not have a bit of fun at the same time. Add more fun to your day whether it’s at the workplace or at home.

Questions like those are a powerful and invaluable study on what’s really important in life. If you attend to these key areas in life you could ultimately look back on your life with no real regret and consider your life a true success story. How great is that!

Find out more on Success Secrets at www.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com

Success Secrets – How to Live Big & Regret Little Part 1

Success – Living Your Life with No Regrets!

Everyone wants to be successful in life to a greater or lesser extent. Whilst success means different things to different people it’s fair to say there are some common characteristics. This article highlights the 8 key areas in life that people typically regret not having done differently.

"If you could live your life all over, what would you do differently?”

Image Source: The Situationist Blog

This is the very question that was put to 4,000 Retired Executives over the age of 70 by Dr. Gerald Bell, University of North Carolina (Professor of Organizational Behavior and Management). They responded in common to 8 key areasthat if they could live their life all over again, they would do so differently.

Here are the first three:

Regret # 1 – Life Goals

”I would have carved out life goals and owned my life”

Key Message: Life is not a dress rehearsal. It’s the real thing. Take charge of your life with goal setting. Fulfill your life purpose.

Regret # 2 – Health

“I would have taken better care of my health. I threw away health as though it were trash”.

Key Message: Health is wealth. People only realize how much it’s worth when they don’t have it. So, whether it’s having a better diet, reducing stress levels, going to the gym, taking a brisk walk etc., Look after your health and it will look after you.

Regret # 3 – Money Management

“I would have managed my money a lot more effectively”.

Key Message: Manage your own money. Don’t over-rely on your financial advisor, bank manager etc. It’s your money not theirs. Attain financial literacy and money management skills for yourself.

The purpose of asking a great question like this NOW is to get to the bottom of what really is important to you and your life. It may not in actual fact be what you previously thought was important

Read about the next key areas of regret and success in my next posts.

Find out more interesting and life changing Success Secrets atwww.MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com