Monday, March 8, 2010

The Science of Getting Rich – How Anyone Can Become Rich – Part 3

If you have read the two previous posts onThe Science of Getting Rich – How Anyone Can Become Rich then you will already have discovered that being creation oriented rather than competitive and; thinking and acting in a Certain Way will result in you becoming rich. Here in Part 3 we further explore practices in the science of getting rich.

In business, the key-thought in all your efforts must be to convey THE IMPRESSION OF INCREASE in other people’s minds. Continuous advancement and increase in life is what all men and women are seeking. People are attracted to those who can give them more of the means of life and this attraction will result in you becoming rich.

The Advancing Man

THE ADVANCING MAN is one who holds a clear vision of himself as successful in his field, who obeys the laws of faith and purpose, and gratitude. No matter whether you’re a wage-earner or a businessman; whether you’re a doctor, teacher, clergyman etc., you will attract a large loyal following and never be “out of a job”! …(read more)

Some Cautions – There is no limited supply of wealth. Don’t spend any time worrying about how you will meet possible emergencies. Concern your mind with doing today’s work in a perfectly successful manner. No possible combination of circumstance can defeat a man or woman who is proceeding to get rich in the Certain Way…(read more)

Guard Your Speech

Guard your speech. Never speak of yourself, your affairs, or of anything else in a discouraged or discouraging way. Never admit the possibility of failure. Never speak of times as being hard, or of business conditions as being doubtful. When you operate on the creative plane, you can create what you want. When others are having hard times and poor business, you will find your greatest opportunities. Train yourself to think of and look upon the world as something which is becoming, growing. Never allow yourself to be disappointed. Do not hesitate or waver with fear, go on in full faith…(read more)

The Science of Getting Rich may be a hundred years old but Wattles’ ideas are as relevant today as they ever were. Make sure you read more on The Science of Getting Rich Here

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