Monday, March 8, 2010

The Science of Getting Rich - How Anyone Can Become Rich - Part 2

Do you dream of getting rich? Well, a very simple book called ‘The Science of Getting Rich’ written by Wallace D. Wattles a century ago sets out how anyone can become rich.

If you have read my previous post calledThe Science of Getting Rich - Can Anyone Become Rich? - Part 1” then you will already have discovered that everybody has the right to be rich; that we must get rich in order that we can

To set about getting rich you must learn how to use the wall upon yourself. It’s important not to force others to do what you wish done. When you have the picture of your desire strong in your mind all things in the universe are stirred toward bringing what you want into being. There is no room for doubt or unbelief. You must guard your thoughts from poverty if you want to become rich. The poor cannot be helped through charity alone; they need inspiration. Getting rich is, according to Wattles, the best way of helping the poor.

Creation NOT Competition

Further use of the wall - you cannot attain wealth if you hold opposing images of poverty and wealth in your mind. So, there’s no point talking about past financial disasters if you want to focus on getting rich. Think of yourself as becoming rich, instead of growing out of poverty. Be creative, rather than competitive and you will attain riches... (read more)

Getting into the Right Business

You can become successful in any business if you have the right faculties and skills. These are your tools. However, it will be easier to succeed by getting into the right business and using these tools in the right way. It is best to select the business for which you have the best developed talent and ideally one which you have a strong desire for. Desire brings power. This will result in your getting rich more easily and also with the most satisfaction. You may have to spend time doing what you do not like in order that you make it possible to do what you want. The best way, generally, to change business or environment is through growth...(read more)

The Science of Getting Rich may be a hundred years old but Wattles' ideas are as relevant today as they ever were. Read more on The Science of Getting Rich Here.

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