Monday, March 8, 2010

The Science of Getting Rich – Can Anyone Get Rich? Part 1

Wallace D. Wattles, in his 1910 book The Science of Getting Rich, details how you can get rich but his reasons for doing so are much more than the simple attainment of money and wealth. Prosperity – however you define it – is a timeless desire. According to Wattles, getting rich has a very important premise: He asserts that the desire for wealth is not specifically or solely centered on money but rather it is a measurable way of expressing our desire for a fuller, better, more meaningful life. Below are outlined some of the key ideas from the book which I believe are essential for the creation of wealth.

  • The Right to Be Rich – According to Wattles each of us has the right to be rich. He asserts that it simply isn’t possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich.
  • The Science of Getting Rich - an exact science that has nothing to do with your environment or the possession of talent.
  • Doing Things in a Certain Way – Getting rich is the result of doing things in a Certain Way that causes success.
  • The Abundance of opportunity – Opportunity is everywhere for the man who will go with the tide; instead of trying to swim against it.
  • The Power of thought – Having the right mindset is the first step toward getting rich.
  • Increasing Life – You are neither destined to be poor nor rich. Life’s purpose is increasing life so we must get rich, so that we can live more.
  • How Riches Come to You – have a clear picture in our mind and claim it as if it were already ours: in other words, we must dream big, see it clearly and behave as if we have already achieved the thing we desire!
  • Gratitude – Gratitude will ensure your thinking is that of supply as unlimited. Faith is born of gratitude.

The Science of Getting Rich may be a hundred years old but Wattles’ ideas are as relevant today as they ever were. Read more on The Science of Getting Rich Here.

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