Friday, January 15, 2010

How to Become Rich Now – No More Excuses!

If you ask just about anyone who isn't rich on how to become rich, they will most likely have many of the answers already. People know how to become rich, in general! But ask them why they themselves aren't rich and you'll get a wealth of excuses and reasons as to why they are not sitting by the pool sipping martinis!
You may know the steps, you may have invested in books, CDs and DVDs that teach you the key steps, but you might have still not made that first important step in the journey to wealth: overcoming the excuses that could be holding you back from becoming rich. Here are the top excuses that you'll need to overcome in order to become rich:

Wealth-Killer Excuse #1: "Now Is Not a Good Time"

Wealth-Killer Excuse #2: "The Market Isn't Where I Want It to Be"

Wealth-Killer Excuse #3: "I'm Not Sure What To Sell"

Wealth-Killer Excuse #4: "There's Too Much Competition"

Wealth-killer Excuse #5: "I'm Not Sure What To Do Next"

These aren't the only wealth-killing excuses you'll hear that keep you from generating wealth. But if you want to know how to become rich, a good first step is to figure out if any of these are holding you back and eliminate them from your life!

You can read the full article with advice on how to overcome each of those at

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