Thursday, August 26, 2010

Retirement Planner – Retirement Planning: The Amazingly Simple 5Ws (and 1H) Formula

Retirement-planningAre you, like countless millions of others, so-called “planning your retirement” i.e. crossing your fingers and hoping your nest egg will provide for you during your golden years but really not sure if it will?

Whether you’re 35 or 55, don’t fool yourself into thinking that building a nest egg and dreaming of walking off into some kind of ‘retirement sunset’ is retirement planning, it’s not.

Check out this amazingly simple and helpful 5Ws (and 1 H) formula of retirement planning.

The 5Ws (and 1H) Formula of Retirement Planning

The 5Ws (and 1H) retirement planning formula will allow you to start formulating a “who, what, when, where, how and why” mental picture and corresponding plan of action for your retirement.

  1. Who – Who are you going to spend your retirement with?
  2. What – What is the minimum monthly income you will need to cover your likely expenses?
  3. When – At what age would you ideally like to retire?
  4. Where – Where are you going to spend your retirement?
  5. Why – Why do you want to retire anyway?
  6. How – How will you generate income during your retirement?

Read More about The Retirement Planning 5Ws (and 1H) Formula...

Retirement Planning
Having Something to Retire To
Don't simply retire from something; have something to retire to. In addition to planning your retirement income you must also plan your retirement activities...Read More

Retire from Work, But not from Life!

Retirement doesn’t have to mean you have to spend the remainder of your days on the golf course and nights as preferred babysitter to your grandchildren! How

If you’re serious about retirement planning then why not sign up NOW for more insider secrets on Retirement Planning at for FREE. In addition, you’ll discover more about how to build wealth and income using clever savings and investment strategies at for FREE.

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